joi, 17 septembrie 2009


We all desire to have a radiant skin, without blemishes and pimples. Do not worry, many young people have pipmples which are the most unpleasant parts of the process of growth and is caused by hormonal influences. It is important that they will disappear, so be patient. Pimples appear because of the hormonal changes during the puberty. Here are some ways to prevent pimples:

MEDICINAL SOAPS:These soaps are better than ordinary soaps because it remove effectively bacteria which causes skin irritation and avoid dryness. Most of these products are suitable for your delicate skin of your face.

MEDICINAL LOTIONS :They are a good substitute for regular lotions because they contain anti-bacterial ingredients. They release the fat pores (sebuumul) and the accumulated dirt, sometimes even two times more efficient than ordinary cleaning lotions. You can find these products in pharmacies, but you should consult a physician dermatologist before.

ESSENSIAL OILS: I found a list which contains essential oils for every skin type and I want to share it with you because you deserve it.

Dry skin: myrtle grass, vetiver, sandalwood, lavender, chamomile.

Mixt skin : geranium (geranium), sandalwood, ylang-ylang, trandafir.Cuperoza: lemon, helichrysum, cypress, lavender, parsley, chamomile and geranium.

Dry skin: carrot seed oil, jasmine, geranium, lavender, orange, rose, tangerine, ylang-ylang, bergamot.

Dilated pores: myrtle, lemon grass (lemongrass), rose, cedar wood.



Daliflor aloe and lavender - with over 20 minerals and vitamins contained by aloe vera, with real moisturizing and regenerative properties of the skin, with effects of calming, relaxing and healing of lavender essential oil, the skin will look younger,recomended for sensitive skin.

Daliflor basil-was sacred to the Greeks, it strengthens the immune system, antimicrobial, an youth elixir recommended in cases of premature ageing.
Daliflor coffee - peeling effect, removes cellulite, cleens carefully skin, stimulates cell production and skin elasticity, increasing the collagen layer.

Daliflor cathine - a natural polyvitamin, with a high content of provitamin A, vitamin C, anti-inflammatory action, tonic, antiseptic, recommended for all skin types, especially for ageing acne. It is the only plant with protective effects of solar radiation.

Daliflor chocolate-cocoa tree was known since antiquity, with features beneficial for the healthy of the skin, softens and moisturizes, recommended for acne skin , tired and ageing skin.

Daliflor cherry - fruit with a strong action detoxification,containing rich in provitamin A, maintains epithelial tissues.

Daliflor coconut-originating from Southeast Asia, but cultivated in all tropical regions, multi-use, rich in antioxidants, antimicrobial, antiseptic, anti-wrinkle, recommended for all skin types.

Daliflor eucalyptus - native to Australia, is known as the Sydney Mint, antimicrobial, decongestant of the respiratory tract, antiseptic and tonic.

Daliflor berries- blueberries, currants, blackberries, raspberries, strawberries, an excellent combination of hydration, toning and rejuvenating the epithelial cells, the effect of antimicrobial, antiseptic, recommended for all skin types.

Daliflor marigold-the most useful plant in the treatment of many diseases, it has an antiseptic effect, anti-inflammatory, soothing, revitalizing, nourishing, toning, hurrying epitelizarea recommended especially for sensitive skin.

Daliflor jasmine-it is popular in all meridians, meaning"Gift from God" in Persian, native to Himalayas, it is considered a sacred flower, a legendary said that the queen Cleopatra was soften in jasmine parfume the sails of her ship to won the Marcus Antonius sympathy. It has an antiseptic effect , tonic and anti-microbial.

Daliflor lavender-native to Alps, it is known as "the scen which cures"and it is considered blessing with antiseptic effect, emollient, tonic and it is maintain dry and sensitive skin.

Daliflor magnolia - native to Asia and America, it is toning and moisturizing for the skin.

Daliflor mint-it is a great natural remedy, with antimicrobial properties, antiseptic, healing,it is preventing and healing blemishes, blackheads and the acne.

Daliflor carrot - native to Asia, Greeks and Romans it is used as herbal medicine, becaouse of its combination of vitamins and minerals, is the most beta-carotene of all vegetables, resisting to the action of ultraviolet rays.

Daliflor musk-it is one of the oldest ingredients for perfumes,being an effective fixative , it is a substance secreted by an abdominal gland of a species of antelope from Tibet,it has tonic effect and relaxing for all skin types.

Daliflor chamomile-it is anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antiallergic, emollient, healing and tonic, especially recommended for sensitive skin.

Daliflor nut-it has bacterial properties, bacteriostatic astrigente, antitoxic, healingand emollient.

Daliflor peach- energizing fruit and antioxidant, moisturizes and regenerates the skin, prevents premature destruction of cells and tissues .It is suitable for all skin types.

Daliflor orange-it is the best known of citrus mandarins , it is sparsed in Syria and Egypt since the early Christian era and is being a large deposit of minerals,it stimulates immunity, antimicrobial and antiseptic.

Daliflor propolis -it is a digestion product of the bees, collected from at least 20 trees, especially from poplars and alder buds, it is the most powerful anti-drug having anti-viral properties, antitoxic, anti-inflammatory and it is dermogenerating too.

Daliflor carob-growing especially in the Middle East, it is a substitute for cocoa powder, high in calcium, pectin and mucilages, anti-allergic, antioxidant, antiseptic and antibacterial.

Daliflor tomato-rich in vitamins (A, B1, B2, B6, C, PP, E, K) and trace elements (zinc, copper, iron, boron, iodine), antioxidant, anti-, detoxifinat, remineralizant, revitalizing, energizing, and it is recommended for acne skin.

Daliflor cinnamon - it is a spice used since 4000 years by various cultures,having antioxidant properties, antiseptic, recommended for acne skin.

Daliflor myrrh-it is the resin of a small tree, with branches and thorns waxing large which is found in the Red Sea coast, with exceptional healing properties and it is one of the gifts that the Three Mags from the East have given to Jesus, inflammatory, regenerative, antiseptic and antimicrobial.

Daliflor sesame - a tropical plant, is believed to be the first condiment used by humans, is one of the oldest seed from which oil is extracted,it has antispetic properties and antimicrobial.

Daliflor rose and ylang-ylang -it is the perfect combnination for delaying the process of skin ageing, it gives vitality, being anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiseptic and detoxifying.

Daliflor Ylang-Ylang -an exotic plants originating from tropical regions,it has sedative effect, calming the nervous system, helps lower pressure of the blood, maintaining the balance for oilys.
Daliflor sage - an old Chinese proverb says : "Who has sage in the garden does not let his old age to approache”. Active principles from sage are: volatile oils, tannins and amarpicrosalvina. Uses: Antiseptic, astrigente, carminative..

Daliflor raspberries - depurative known properties of raspberry fruit. Active principles: vitamins B1, B6, C, Ca. Use: general tonic.

Daliflor Fruit cocktail : contains catina, carrots, raspberries, propolis, honey. A general tonic complex due catina-propolis-honey.kin and dry skin.